
All Diversen products
  • ABS-folie
  • Finishing elbow
  • Finishing film
  • Bandage
  • Bison-Tix
  • BSM-clamp
  • BTM-clamp
  • Mudguard Washer
  • Others Accessories
  • Threaded rod
  • Ejot
  • EPS
  • Buckles
  • Coupling nut
  • Polymer
  • Suspension band
  • Silwick Alu Bandage
  • Skypro knife holster
  • Soundac
  • Spiral duct clamp
  • Hanger bolts
  • Tape
  • Strapping band
  • Uniclamp
  • Hex nut
  • BAR
  • Finishing elbow 3S
  • Finishing elbow 5S
  • Finishing elbow H
  • Finishing elbow W
  • Finishing film adhesive
  • Finishing film roll
  • finishing film cutting table
  • Bandage poly
  • PVC-bandage
  • Bison-Tix
  • BSM-clamp
  • BTM-clamp
  • Mudguard Washer
  • Tie wire
  • Brushes
  • Safeblade
  • Talmeter
  • Tapes
  • Petrolatum tape
  • Whetstone
  • Threaded rod
  • Ejot insulation disc
  • Ejot screws
  • EPS
  • Buckles
  • Coupling nut
  • Polymer MS60
  • Suspension band
  • Silwick Alu Bandage
  • Skypro knife holster
  • Soundac BM
  • Soundac IS
  • Soundac PU
  • Spiral duct clamp
  • Spiral duct clamp with lining
  • Hanger bolts
  • Alu Tape
  • Ducttape
  • Filamenttape
  • PVC Tape
  • Strapping band
  • Uniclamp ALU
  • Uniclamp UB
  • Uniclamp UBR
  • Uniclamp UBT
  • Hex nut

Filament Tapes hold packages and large cartons or bulk containers, bundle carpets, PVC or rebar in light duty construction, and coil tab and splice in metalworking applications. It consists of a pressure-sensitive adhesive coated onto a backing material which is usually a polypropylene or polyester film and fiberglass filaments embedded to add high tensile strength.
